The Songs of Christmas

Merry Christmas to you and yours from Trinity Merrill Lutheran Church! Come and celebrate the songs of Christmas! We have many events leading up to this special day and we pray that you are able to celebrate the birth of our Savior and feel the Lord's presence through them all. 
Join us for any or all of our Special Christmas Events:
December 6th | Christmas Wreath Lighting at 6:00pm
December 7th | Dorcas Bake Sale at 3:00pm
December 8th | Living Nativity 11:30am-3:00pm
December 13th | Young Adult Mixer at 7:00pm
December 14th | Christmas Movie at the Cosmo at 3:30pm
December 15th | Firm Foundation Ringers Christmas Concert at 2:30pm
December 20th |  Youth Christmas Party from 5:00-9:00pm
For more information about each of these events, click on the event at the bottom of the page.
Join us for our Trinity Advent Series on Wednesdays in Advent at 6:30pm featuring Trinity's own Praise Band, NASA Scientist Reverend Norman Schell, and from Arkansaw, WI - The Garms Family! 
December 4th |Praise at Trinity
December 11th |Reverend Norman Schell at Trinity
December 18th | The Garms Family at Trinity
For more information about each of these events, click on the event at the bottom of the page.
Join us for our School's and Early Learning Center's Christmas Services!
December 5th | Early Learning Center at 5:30pm
December 12th | 5th-8th Grade at 6:30pm
December 17th | 1st-4th Grade at 6:00pm
December 19th | 4K & Kindergarten at 6:00pm
Experience the Songs of Christmas through our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Services. 
Christmas Eve Contemporary 3:00pm Service
Christmas Eve Candlelight 5:00pm or 7:00pm Service
Christmas Day Traditional 9:30am Service
Our 3:00pm, & 5:00pm Christmas Eve services will be livestreamed on Facebook and our 9:30am and 3:00pm services will include communion. The Christmas Eve Service will also be radio broadcasted at 10:30am. Our Christmas Day service will also be livestreamed on Facebook.
Trinity Merrill Lutheran Church has chosen the HAVEN (Household Abuse Victims Emergency Network) to purchase Christmas gifts for families of domestic violence, sexual assault, elder abuse, and child abuse.  
Tags on the tree in the Narthex indicate a gift each person would like for Christmas.  Grab a tag, purchase and wrap the gift, place the tag you grabbed from the tree on top of the package, return and place the wrapped gift under the HAVEN GIVING TREE prior to December 22nd.  Gifts will be delivered to the HAVEN on December 23rd.  
If you have any questions, contact Dawn Teske at 715-536-7693 or

All Christmas at Trinity Events