capital campaign

Strengthening our discipleship and outreach ministries is central to the extensive projects planned in this special stewardship emphasis. The total of all projects covered in our Capital Campaign, God's Plans - God's Promises, is approximately $1.35 million dollars. Trinity is a growing, young church full of life and we need to stay current for the future generations and to build a legacy. Four broad areas summarize the projects included in this campaign:

Expanding the Pastoral Office

Serving a large congregation like Trinity demands a strong commitment to the Gospel and church ministries. Typically, churches of this size have two or more full-time pastors to meet the spiritual needs of their members. 

Eliminating Debt

Reducing this obligation from the congregational budget can enhance ministry expansion and improve the ability to manage current bills, especially given the unpredictability of monthly giving and unexpected expenses. 

New Sign & Paved Parking Lot

A new sign will update the community on events and promote participation. The parking lot will be resurfaced for better access and safety, with new lighting for evening activities. 

School Building Improvements

An engineering company has been hired to provide an objective review of the possibilities of improvements for our school building including, but not limited to, the potential installation of an elevator. 

 "I am grateful for the opportunity to help shape the future for our church and school, and most of all, to be the hands and feet of Jesus."

- Beth Houle, Capital Campaign Chair

"This campaign presents us with a chance to leave a lasting legacy that will benefit generations to come."

- Britnee Hartwig, Capital Campaign Communications Coordinator

"As we look at our mission as a Church and in serving His kingdom, let us all pray for guidance and wisdom in considering how we can provide our gifts and talents toward this campaign."

- Mike Milligan, Capital Campaign Marketing


Recruitment Launch 

In addition to prayerfully considering our financial gifts, our success depends on sharing of our time and God-given talents. There are so many tasks, large and small, and your support would be greatly appreciated. Please consider attending the Recruitment Launch on Sunday, January 12th at 9:15 am to learn more about the opportunities for you to share of your talents, and to receive the very latest updates on the progress of our campaign. For now, please save the date, and soon, you’ll be asked to return a RSVP card so we can plan for this important event.
Many hands will spread out the work! We hope to see you on the 12th! Please look for the RSVP card coming soon.

Leader Workshop

Leaders of the church will be invited to attend a Leader Workshop on February 10 from 6:00pm-7:30 pm. In addition to receiving all the special GOD’S PLAN - GOD’S PROMISES stewardship emphasis materials, attendees will also learn about the role early gifts play in the Bible and in the life of our Trinity congregation today. This leadership workshop is open to all Trinity members. 

Congregational Information Sessions 

Please mark your calendars to attend one of the congregational meetings below. This is your opportunity to learn more, ask questions, and to inform your decision for Celebration Sunday on March 16 when we are encouraged to pledge our gifts for the 3-year campaign. In the coming weeks, there will be opportunity to reserve your spot for the presentation that best meets your schedule.
February 19, 11:00am – 12:30pm
February 22, 9:00am – 10:30am
February 25, 5:30pm – 7:00pm 
February 26, 6:30pm – 8:00pm
February 28, 6:00pm – 7:30pm
March 2, 9:15am – 10:15am